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Program ramalan gratis tentang Cinta, Karir dan Keberuntungan di blog ini sudah di tutup.


The Indonesian inhabitants annual tradition

Melayani privat & bimbingan belajar bagi TK, SD, SMP, SMA dan Umum.
Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881.

Today I will go home. This has become the Indonesian inhabitants annual tradition every Idul Fitri Day. Earlier my brother went to bus station Lembang, evidently the ticket has been sold completely. I was confused, go home by bus or by train? The bus ticket has been sold completely. Train? It must be chock full. I will try to go to Senen Station. It is hoped could the ticket, the seat and the comfortable train. And that was main, may all of us be safe. Please, pray for me...!

The Idul Fitri day was the sacred day. So, our heart also must sacred. To clean our heart, we must forgive each others. I hope our sin vanished. Minal Aidzin wal Faizin. Please forgive any bad thoughts and actions. Best wishes for Lebaran. May this lebaran bring the blessing for all of us. Amen.

Jl. Maharta IV, Block A-19 No. 13, Pondok Maharta, Ciledug, Tangerang, Banten 15154. Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881



How to make your blog popular

insuranceANA PRIVAT
Melayani privat & bimbingan belajar bagi TK, SD, SMP, SMA dan Umum.
Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881.

To make your blog popular you must do tips and tricks bellow :

1. Make a specific blog title

My blog title is “Life is too short to drink bad coffee”. If you type the phrase in Google, you will found my blog in the first page.

2. Make simple blog’s name
It aims to be easy remembers by visitors. I gift my blog’s name

3. Blog Walking (Visit others blog, leave comments and don't forget to write blog address)
Usually blog’s admin you visited opens links in every comment. I always leave comment in every blog I had visited.

4. Register your blogs to Searching Engine
You may click buttons on the footer of my blog to register your blog to searching engine.

5. Post a good articles
It depends of our writing skill, our experiences and our willing. The more you write, the more perfect your articles. Practice makes perfect.

6. Register your blog to blog directory
Some visitor comes from here.

7. Keep posting.
Write at least one post per 2 days. It aims to make visitor always find new update of your blog.

8. Exchange link
It will increase your alexa and your google page rank too.

9. Promote your blog
You may online promotion and offline promotion. We may use Online Social Network (Chatting, Friendster and others).

10. Free advertisement
Register your blog in a free ads facilities. There are so many website that has free ads column.

Those are some tips to make blog popular. May this tips be useful for you. In fact I was embarrassed to make these tips because my blog also was not popular yet :(.

Jl. Maharta IV, Block A-19 No. 13, Pondok Maharta, Ciledug, Tangerang, Banten 15154. Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881



Bloggers share their skills

Many blogs content tutorial about blogging, programming, business, language, science and many others. They are(the bloggers that wrote tutorials) have been helping other blogger. They spent their time, their mind, their money to share knowledge and make everything be easy and cheap (read: free). They are heroic. Congratulations struggled. May they receive the appropriate repayment.

Several of them are Kang Rohman, Ade Sanusi and many others that cannot be named by me one by one.

It is good to be useful to the other person. So, as well-off as me, I make blog that contains about java programming. Sorry, if it's contents is not substantial. It's "".

I am not expert in java, I am e newbie, newbie. So please note if many mistakes in my posts. If you mind, please visit to my blog. Click here. Whoever gives, would get.

Note: until now, I have no time to look after Java Tutorial, sometimes, one day I will make it a great java tutorial blog. Pray me.

Jl. Maharta IV, Block A-19 No. 13, Pondok Maharta, Ciledug, Tangerang, Banten 15154. Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881



Let's smile =)

"If you want to success you must smile with everyone"
The statement above may be right. But, many people can not do it. They said it's difficult to smile. I will give tips and tricks how to smile easily.
  1. If you met someone, try to remember something funny likes funny stories, funny videos, funny experiences and others.
  2. If you can not do the first tips, look over people in front you and find out funny things. You may find it from his hair, head, nose, mouth, tooth, clothes or others.
  3. If you can not do the second tips, read story below.
There is a weird horse. It will run if the jockey says "bismillah" and will stop if the jockey says "alhamdulillah". One day, Abu rode that horse. He prayed "bismillah". He stamped his leg to horse's maw hoped it would run. But, the horse did not move. He remembered, "I must say alhamdulillah". Then the horse walked slowly. More often he said, the horse run faster and faster. When the horse run very fast, immediately there is a precipice about 10 meters from him. "How to stop it???", Abu confused. "Oh, ya. bismiillaaaaah.....!!". Then the horse stopped. To celebrating his bless he said, "Alhamdullaaah...". Guest what happened after this?



How to create a J2ME MIDP RSS Reader application with NetBeans 4.0

Contributed by Tommi Laukkanen as part of the Win With NetBeans comptetition

This tutorial will show you how to create a J2ME MIDP RSS Reader application with NetBeans 4.0. With RSS Reader you can read RSS feeds with your mobile device. This application is designed to work with MIDP 1.0 so it is also compatible with older devices.

In case you are new to RSS, it stands for Really Simple Syndication. RSS is a lightweight XML format designed for sharing headlines and other content like blogs and news. You can for example get the latest news as a RSS feed from

Here are some screenshots of this application in action:
Launch Bookmarks Loading
Launch icon Bookmarks list Loading form
Headers Topic
Headers list Topic form

This tutorial will cover these subjects:
  • Creating new mobile application project with NetBeans 4.0
  • Configuring your NetBeans 4.0 project to allow the usage of 3rd party libraries (eg. kXML 2)
  • Using obfuscator to reduce distributable jar file's size with NetBeans 4.0
  • Running mobile application on emulator with NetBeans 4.0

Designing the application

The project has five source code files:

  •, The code for the RSS feed class
  •, The code for the RSS feed item class
  •, The code for the RSS feed parser class
  •, The code for the settings utility class
  •, The code for the MIDlet class

This tutorial won't deeply explain the the functionality of each class. You can aquire source files


You must have NetBeans IDE 4.0 and the NetBeans Mobility Pack 4.0 installed before you can start J2ME MIDP development. See the J2ME MIDP Development Download page for instructions on downloading and installing the complete environment. You also need to download mobile class library. The latest version of the library on time of writing was 2.1.9. You can download the latest kXML release Download the kxml2-min.jar to any folder on your computer.

Creating a Mobile Class Library project

Create a new Mobile Application project

  1. Choose File > New project (Ctrl-Shift-N). Under Categories, select Mobile

  2. Select Mobile Application under Projects. Click Next.

  3. Under Project Name, type RSS Reader.

  4. Change the Project Location to any folder on your computer.

  5. Select Set as Main Project checkbox

  6. Unselect Create Hello MIDlet checkbox

  7. Click Finish.

  8. Now the project node in Projects window should look like this:

    Project node

Create new Java Packages for source files and application icon

  1. Right-click the RSS Reader project node in Projects window and select New > Java Package

  2. Under Package Name, type RssReader.

  3. Click Finish.

  4. Repeat the previous actions and add icons package

  5. Now you have requred packages for the source code files and the application icons.

Configure the project

  1. Right-click the RSS Reader project node in Projects window and select Properties.

  2. Select Application Descriptor > Attributes.

  3. Select MIDlet-Vendor line under General Attributes list and click Edit.

  4. Under Value, type your own name.

  5. Close the edit window by clicking OK button.

  6. Now we are going to add a reference to kXML library that you have downloaded on your computer.

  7. Select Build > Libraries & Resources.

  8. Click Add Jar/Zip.

  9. Browse to downloaded kxml2-min.jar file

  10. Now you have added the reference to kXML library and you can use the kXML parser in your application.

Creating the source code files

    Now we are going to create the source code for this project. Now you should have downloaded the existing source code files, as mentioned in the requirements section. You should now move them to your project folder's src/RssReader subfolder.

    After you have copied the source code files into the RssReader folder, the Project window's RssReader package should look the same as in the picture below. It could take a few second to refresh the packages content in the project window.

    Add files

    If you wouldn't have the source code ready, then you would use New > Java Class or New > Midlet features and then write your own code.

Add an icon to your application

    Now we are going to add an icon to our Mobile application.

  1. Right-click picture below and download it to RSS Reader project's src/icons/ subfolder

  2. App icon

  3. Right-click the RSS Reader project node in Projects window and select Properties.

  4. Select Application Descriptor > MIDlets.

  5. Click Add.

  6. The NetBeans IDE is smart enough to fill up all the fields as you only need to select the icon that you want your application to have.

  7. Under MIDlet Icon, select /icons/rss.png.

  8. Add MIDlet

  9. Close both windows by clicking the OK button.

Using Obfuscation to reduce MIDlet file size

Building the project

    Now we are going to build the project.

  1. Press F11 to build your project.

  2. Alternatively you could select Build > Build Main Project from the main menu.

  3. Right-click RSS_Reader.jar on the Files window and select Properties.

  4. Files

    Take a notice that jar file's size is almost 24kb.

    JAR size

  5. Right-click RSS Reader project node and select Properties.

  6. Select Build > Obfuscating

  7. Slide the Obfuscation Level to maximum value (=High).

  8. Click OK button.

  9. Rebuild the application pressing F11

  10. Right-click RSS_Reader.jar on the Files window and select Properties.

  11. Take a notice that jar file's size is reduced to 15kb bytes.

    JAR size

    As the memory usage in smaller mobile devices is a critical issue, therefore the obfuscating is very important part of the mobile application development. We have now saved almost 10 kb memory only by changing Obfuscator settings on our NetBeans IDE.

Using the emulator

Run the project

  1. Press F6 to Run the main project

  2. Alternatively you could select Run > Run Main Project

  3. Press Launch button on default emulator

    The RSS Reader is now running and you can use it to view RSS feeds. The following screenshots have been taken from Sony Ericsson emulator.

Launch Bookmarks Loading
Launch icon Bookmarks list Loading form
Headers Topic
Headers list Topic form

The end

Conclusion and development ideas

This concludes the J2ME MIDP RSS Reader tutorial. You may now easily continue on developing this application by adding new features. You could for example add a support for Atom XML feeds. Please keep me informed what ever you do with this code :)

Copied from


Jl. Maharta IV, Block A-19 No. 13, Pondok Maharta, Ciledug, Tangerang, Banten 15154. Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881



Guitar - Peter Nalitch

I've never been lonely
cause... me is so cool
Baby you have a possibility
play it with me

I've never been clever
because need it never
Baby you have a possibility
play it with me

Guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar,
Come to my Boudoir
Baby you have a possibility
play it with me

Guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar,
Jump to my Yaguar
Baby you have a possibility
play it with me

I put on my pyjamas
and go to Bahamas
Baby no possibility
play it with me

Guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar,
Jump to my Yaguar baby,
you have a possibility play it with me(x2)

Is there sun over sky?
{Lai, lai, lai, lai.., c'mon...,dance
wola olaola gitar male

Guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar,
Come to my Boudoir
Baby you have a possibility
play it with me

Guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar,
Jump to my Yaguar Oooo
Baby you have a possibility
play it with me

Jl. Maharta IV, Block A-19 No. 13, Pondok Maharta, Ciledug, Tangerang, Banten 15154. Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881



The Little Things Lyrics - Colbie Caillat

ana privatANA PRIVAT
Melayani privat & bimbingan belajar bagi TK, SD, SMP, SMA dan Umum.
Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881.

The Little Things Lyrics - Colbie Caillat

The little things, you do to me are
Taking me over, I wanna show ya
Everything inside of me
Like a nervous heart that, is crazy beating
My feet are stuck here, against the pavement
I wanna break free, I wanna make it
Closer to your eyes, get your attention
Before you pass me by

So back up back up take another chance
Don’t you mess up mess up I don’t wanna lose you
Wake up wake up this ain’t just a thing that you
Give up give up don’t you say that I’d be
Better off better off, sleeping by myself and wondering
If I’m better off better off, with out you boy

So don’t just leave me hanging on

And every time, you notice me by
Holding me closely, and saying sweet things
I don’t believe, that it could be
You speaking your mind and, saying the real thing
My feet have broke free, and I am leaving
I’m not gonna stand here, feeling lonely but
I don’t regret it, and I won’t think this
Was just a waste of time


But don’t just leave me hanging on…..


Jl. Maharta IV, Block A-19 No. 13, Pondok Maharta, Ciledug, Tangerang, Banten 15154. Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881



Laskar Pelangi Movie

bimbingan belajar
Melayani privat & bimbingan belajar bagi TK, SD, SMP, SMA dan Umum.
Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881.

Kisah Laskar Pelangi sebentar lagi akan tampil di layar lebar. Dua belas anak asli Pulau Belitong dan 12 pemain film professional berakting bersama dalam film yang menceritakan perjuangan murid dan guru dalam memperoleh pendidikan di masa tahun 1970-an. Ironisnya, kita masih menemukan kisah perjuangan yang hampir sama di Indonesia, hingga sekarang ini.

Perjuangan Ibu Muslimah yang menggetarkan pembaca buku Laskar Pelangi, ternyata masih terjadi. Dua diantarannya kami temukan di Tapanuli Selatan dan Papua.

Raja Dima, seorang petani terpaksa menjadi guru karena tak tega melihat anak-anak di kampungnya putus sekolah. Tak ada lagi guru yang mau mengajar di SD Sigoring-goring, di desa terpencil dan tak pernah memperoleh aliran listrik ini. Alhasil, sejak tahun 2004, ia harus mengajar kelas 1 sampai kelas VI sendirian. Dan sebagai imbalannya, ia mendapat 9 cangkir beras dari setiap orang tua per bulan.

Sementara itu, di Momogu, Asmat, Papua, Adolof seorang penjaga sekolah juga terpaksa mengajar, agar anak-anak di sana tidak buta huruf. Dengan kemampuannya yang terbatas, iapun hanya mengajarkan pelajaran matematika dan bahasa Indonesia. Menurutnya, kegiatan belajar seadanya ini, akan lebih baik ketimbang sekolahnya tertutup rumput seperti sekolah-sekolah lainnya. Ia berharap suatu hari akan ada guru lagi yang mau ditugaskan di sekolah tersebut.

”Saya sangat kagum dengan mereka,” kata Ibu Muslimah saat tampil di Kick Andy dan mendengarkan kisah kedua guru tadi. ”Tapi kalau itu terjadi hingga sekarang, dimanakah yang disebut kemajuan itu,” ujarnya polos.

Ibu Muslimah kali ini tampil ditemani oleh Cut Mini, pemeran Ibu Muslimah dalam film Laskar Pelangi. Bagi Cut Mini, perannya di film kali ini memberikan kesan yang sangat mendalam. ” Saya sering merasa ingin kembali ke Belitong,” kata Cut Mini yang masih sering menitikan air mata, saat kembali melihat adegan-adegannya di film tersebut.

Selain Cut Mini, di Kick Andy kali ini juga hadir 8 diantara 12 pemeran anggota Laskar Pelangi. Mereka yang hadir adalah pemeran Ikal, Lintang, Kucai, Mahar, Borek, Zahara, dan Flo. Mereka adalah anak-anak asli Belitong, yang mengisahkan banyak pengalaman menarik di film pertama mereka.

Bagi Andrea Hirata film ini merupakan satu kebanggaan dan cara untuk mewujudkan keinginannya mendekatkan Belitong pada kemajuan. ”Saya berharap anak-anak Belitong berani bermimpi. Lihat sekarang, siapa sangka Zulfany yang hanya anak tukang jam kaki lima, hari ini bisa menjadi aktor,” kata Andrea Hirata yang tampil menemani Zulfany, pemeran ikal alias Andrea di masa kecil dalam film Laskar pelangi.

Adalah sineas Mira Lesmana dan Riri Riza yang menggarap novel karya Andrea Hirata itu menjadi sebuah film layar lebar. Seluruh pembuatan film ini dilaksanakan di Pulau Belitong.

Riri Riza mengaku para crew-nya harus membangun kembali reflika SD Muhammadiyah, tempat para anggota Laskar Pelangi bersekolah. Sedikit berseloroh, Host Kick Andy, Andy F. Noya menyatakan bahwa sesungguhnya Riri dan tim tak harus repot-repot membuat reflika, soalnya di masa sekarang pun kita masih bisa enemukan sekolah-sekolah reyot tempat sejumlah anak belajar.

Dalam tayangan ini, Kick Andy kembali mengingatkan tentang sekolah tempat Frederick Sitaung dan Wanhar Umar mengajar yang pernah tayang beberapa waktu lalu di Kick Andy.

Frederick adalah guru sekaligus kepala SD di kampung Poepe, Welputi, Merauke, Papua. Sekolah tempat belajar anak-anak kampung terpencil itu, sangat jauh dari layak. Bangku yang terbatas, atap dan dindingnya sudah bolong di sana sini. Begitu juga dengan SD Muhammadiyah di Desa Talangsatan, Muara Enim, Sumatera Selatan, tempat Wanhar Umar mengajar. Di sekolah ini pun sejumlah murid harus belajar di ruang sekolah berdinding kayu yang rapuh dan atap yang bocor. Nasib mereka di masa kini, tak jauh beda dengan anak-anak anggota Laskar Pelangi di masa lalu.

Semoga saja kehadiran film Laskar Pelangi bisa lebih menggugah kita semua untuk lebih peduli pada dunia pendidikan. Terlebih jika kita mendengarkan lirik lagu dari Grup Nidji, yang menjadi theme song film ini.

Mimpi adalah kunci
Untuk kita menaklukan dunia
Berlarilah tanpa lelah
Sampai engkau meraihnya...

(Laskar Pelangi - Nidji )

Diambil dari">

Jl. Maharta IV, Block A-19 No. 13, Pondok Maharta, Ciledug, Tangerang, Banten 15154. Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881



At Command For Ericsson phones

Melayani privat & bimbingan belajar bagi TK, SD, SMP, SMA dan Umum.
Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881.


Jl. Maharta IV, Block A-19 No. 13, Pondok Maharta, Ciledug, Tangerang, Banten 15154. Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881



Hari Sahabat Sedunia

privat matematika
Melayani privat & bimbingan belajar bagi TK, SD, SMP, SMA dan Umum.
Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881.

"Sahabat adalah dia yang menghampiri ketika seluruh dunia menjauh, karena persahabatan bagaikan tangan dengan mata. Saat tangan terluka, mata menangis. Saat mata menangis, tangan menghapusnya. "SELAMAT HARI PERSAHABATAN DUNIA". Kirim ini ke semua teman-temanmu yang kamu sayangi, jika AKU salah satunya, kirim balik, ya! Lihat berapa banyak kamu dapat balasan. Kalau lebih dari 7 artinya, You are loveable..." begitulah isi pesan di YMku.

Saya baru membaca pesan pada gambar hari ini, selesai sholat tarawih. Ada beberapa pesan serupa, salah satunya dari Pak Gunawan Brotosaputro (Salam Persahabatan Pak..), beliau sangat baik, ramah, suka humor tapi berwibawa. Setelah saya membaca pesan tersebut, saya terkenang sahabat-sahabat semasa saya masih SD (SD N Karang Cegak I, lulus tahun 1992). Mereka selalu membantuku di saat-saat sulit. Mereka tempat aku berkeluh kesah, tempat berbagi. Susah senang bersama.

Beranjak ke SMP, hampir saja saya tidak bisa melanjutkan ke SMP karena faktor dana. Tapi karena saya bersikeras minta melanjutkan sekolah, akhirnya orang tua saya mengijinkan saya, dengan dibantu oleh kakak-kakak saya (Mas Muchrim dan Mas Shiyam Sabarudin serta Mba Irah). Di sini saya kehilangan sahabat-sahabat ketika SD, karena yang bisa melanjutkan ke SMP hanya 4 orang (Bhekti Wibowo, anaknya Pak Guru Karyanto, Darsono, dari keluarga yang cukup terpandang, Riyatmi, Kakak-kakaknya cukup berhasil dalam pekerjaannya) yang terakhir adalah saya sendiri yang notabene dari keluarga yang sangat sederhana. Ada yang hilang ada yang datang, di SMP saya menemukan sahabat yang sangat cerdas dan baik hati (Dedy Kurniawan), orang tuanya juga menaruh perhatian yang besar terhadapku. Dedy banyak membantuku selama SMP. Sejak saya ke Jakarta saya kehilangan kontak dengan dia dan sahabat-sahabat yang lainnya.

Setelah lulus SMP, saya mendapatkan tawaran untuk bekerja di sebuah rumah makan (Kumis 008) di daerah Condet, Jakarta Timur. Karena keluarga saya sudah tak mampu membiayai saya untuk sekolah ke SMA, akhirnya saya terima tawaran itu. Saat itu usiaku baru 15 tahun, saya harus merantau, terpisah dengan keluarga, sedih rasanya. Setiap malam, menjelang tidur saya selalu ingat kampung halaman, tak jarang air mataku menetes. Namun, seorang sahabat (rekan kerja) mengingatkanku, bahwa yang dilakukan sekarang adalah untuk kebaikan saya dan keluarga, pulang hanya akan menjadi beban bagi keluarga.

Setelah kurang lebih 6 bulan, saya berusaha mencari pekerjaan lain, saya keluar dari rumah makan tersebut. Namum, ijazah SMP tidaklah berarti apa-apa, sangat sulit mencari pekerjaan. Dengan sudah payah akhirnya saya bisa bekerja di bank Unan (baca: bangunan). Terkadang di sela waktu saya mengamen. Ngebor sumur,ngecat rumah, pokoknya pekerjaan apa saja yang penting halal. Itu saya lakukan selama 5 tahun.

Hari yang panas di Jati Watingin, setelah saya membuat adukan untuk mengecor dak di sebuah bengkel, saya tak sengaja membaca iklan baris di Pos Kota. "Dicari lulusan SMP dengan NEM bagus, untuk sekolah sambil bekerja. Hub. 021-731****". Kurang lebih seperti itu bunyi iklannya. Saya hubungi nomor tersebut, dan saya disuruh menghadap pada tanggal 7 Januari 2000. Saya bingung, karena saya tak punya baju berkerah (maklumlah, adanya seragam dinas bank unan). Untungnya ada saudara sekaligus sahabat saya (Narsin) yang memberikan sebuah baju koran (banyak tulisannya) berkerah. Singkat kata saya diterima dan menetap disitu (Nilakandi, Ciledug, keluarga Bpk Yusup Murdjito).

Awal-awal saya di sana, saya sempat bimbang karena usiaku sudah 20 tahun, belum bisa membantu keluarga, sudah lupa pelajaran SMP, dan segudang persoalan lainnya. Adalah Mas Nuriman (senior saya disitu, saat itu dia sudah kuliah di IPB, sekarang sudah menjadi kepala desa di daerah Brebes), dialah yang memotivasi, mendorong dan menguatkan saya agar sekolah lagi. Akhirnya saya sekolah di SMA Yadika 6, Jurang Mangu. Sepulang sekolah saya berjualan majalah dengan menggunakan sepeda Jengky (sepedanya Oemar Bakrie). Ke sekolahpun, Jengkylah kendaraan kebanggaan saya. Singkat cerita, saya dibina dibimbing oleh keluarga Bpk. Yusup Murdjito (Salam buat ibu Pak, juga keluarga lainnya), sampai saya bisa lulus SMA kemudian melanjutkan kuliah di Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jurusan Matematika. Tapi setelah Orientasi Pengenalan Kampus, saya harus keluar dari kampus tersebut karena saya mendapatkan beasiswa untuk kuliah di Universitas Budi Luhur, Jakarta. Saya mengambil jurusan Teknik Informatika. Di kampus ini saya menemukan sahabat-sahabat yang luar biasa baiknya, teman-teman seperjuangan. Labkom UBL.

Kalau dilihat dari cerita singkat di atas, jelaslah bahwa saya tidak bisa hidup tanpa sahabat-sahabat terbaik saya. Sangatlah besar arti sahabat. Terima kasih sahabat-sahabatku. WITHOUT YOU I AM NOTHING. Mohon maaf untuk sahabat-sahabat terbaikku yang namanya tidak tertulis di sini. Tapi jasa kalian akan selalu ku ingat dan saya berdoa semoga Allah SWT, melimpahkan rahmat-Nya ke para sahabat semuanya. Salam.

Jl. Maharta IV, Block A-19 No. 13, Pondok Maharta, Ciledug, Tangerang, Banten 15154. Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881


Save Our Earth

privat kimiaANA PRIVAT
Melayani privat & bimbingan belajar bagi TK, SD, SMP, SMA dan Umum.
Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881.

Membaca efek pemanasan global dari selebaran yang saya dapatkan di kampus UBL benar-benar mengerikan. Sebenarnya saya sudah belajar tentang pemanasan global sejak di bangku SMA kelas I dari Guru tercinta saya, Drs. Hasiholan Manurung. Kata beliau, global warming adalah panas matahari yang terperangkap oleh gas rumah kaca (CO2) atau sering disebut dengan istilah green house effect. Yang terbayang di benak saya, dampak global warming hanyalah es di kutub mencair, sehingga kota-kota pantai seperti Jakarta, Singapura, Inggris akan tenggelam.

Namun ternyata tidak hanya itu, es di kutub berfungsi untuk memantulkan kembali 80% panas matahari (Mr.Zawly dari NASA). Sehingga, jika es tersebut mencair, selain akan menaikkan permukaan laut, juga membuat suhu air laut dan daratan akan meningkat. Kenaikan suhu ini diperkirakan akan membuat 90% spesies laut musnah dan 75% spesies darat punah (Gregroy R, Universitas di Northwestern). Tentunya rantai kehidupan akan sangat kacau dan sangat tidak stabil. Menurut Gregroy, dampak global warming 10.000 kali lipat lebih berbahaya jika dibandingkan dengan ledakan semua nuklir yang ada di dunia. Selain itu, gas metana (CH4) yang merupakan komponen utama gas LPG yang sangat mudah terbakar akan bertebaran sehingga kebakaran terjadi dimana-mana.

Apa penyebabnya? Menurut yang saya pelajari di SMA Yadika 6 dulu, penyebab utama global warming adalah CO2 yang jumlahnya berlebih. Selama ini saya mengira sumber CO2 hanyalah respirasi (pernafasan mahluk hidup), emisi kendaraan bermotor, asap pabrik, pembusukan & kebakaran hutan. Sebagian besar buku sekolah juga mengatakan hal yang sama. Saya sangat terkejut dengan hasil penelitian para ilmuwan yang menyatakan bahwa respirasi (pernafasan mahluk hidup), emisi kendaraan bermotor, asap pabrik, pembusukan & kebakaran hutan hanya memiliki peranan yang kecil. Justru sumber utama gas rumah kaca adalah dari industri peternakan. Jumlah emisi CO2 dari seekor sapi sama dengan emisi CO2 dari sebuah mobil yang menempuh jarak 70.000 km (Miss Marthin, Chicago University). Seekor sapi yang beratnya 550 kg, dalam setahun bisa menghasilkan kotoran sebanyak 14.6 ton yang setara dengan berat 10 buah mobil. Kotoran ini akan mengalami proses pembusukan yang tentu saja akan menghasilkan gas rumah kaca.

Jadi bagaimana cara mengurangi dampak global warming? Caranya dengan tidak mengkonsumsi produk dari industri ternak seperti, daging, susu, ikan dan telur (ini akan mengurangi 50% emisi CO2 yang diproduksi oleh tubuh kita). Be a vegetarian. Lakukan penghijauan, lakukan penghematan energi dan berikan informasi ke teman-teman yang lain. Salam Hijau.

Jl. Maharta IV, Block A-19 No. 13, Pondok Maharta, Ciledug, Tangerang, Banten 15154. Telp. 021-926 48 700, 021-986 70 881 >




course ana
Insomnia is the most common sleep complaint in the U.S. It affects from 10% to 35% of people at least some of the time. The true rate depends upon how you define this disorder. Insomnia keeps people from sleeping well and feeling refreshed. This happens in the four different ways that follow:

1. Difficulty falling asleep
2. Difficulty staying asleep
3. Waking up too early
4. Poor quality of sleep

People with insomnia often feel tired and grumpy. They can have a hard time remembering things. It is also hard for them to focus on what they are doing. A lack of sleep can also affect how they function at work and while driving. Overall, it makes people frustrated when it comes to their sleep. Insomnia can be the only source of these problems. It can also be the result of another sleep disorder or medical problem.

Insomnia may be caused by some types of medications. Even medicines that you find on drugstore shelves can disrupt sleep. Insomnia can be made worse by the use of caffeine or alcohol. It can even be a result of well-intentioned behaviors such as napping. It can also be related to depression, worry and stress. Before treating insomnia, a doctor must first do a medical exam. He or she may also need to perform some tests.

Doctors often treat insomnia in the three ways that follow:

1. Sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene consists of basic habits and tips that help you develop a pattern of healthy sleep. Examples include getting up at the same time every day and avoiding caffeine after lunch.

2. Cognitive behavioral therapy

This involves relaxation exercises and other methods that help improve your sleep. Some people listen to relaxing tapes. Others learn breathing exercises from a psychologist. Other methods teach you to do things such as limiting the time you spend in bed.

3. Sleeping pills and sleeping aids

Doctors sometimes prescribe sleeping pills to treat insomnia. These are called hypnotics. At times insomnia is related to depression and anxiety. In these cases, medications may be prescribed by doctors to help insomnia.

Some people with insomnia try to treat themselves with nonprescription sleep aids that they find on drugstore shelves. Others may try vitamins or herbs. Some people even use alcohol to help them fall asleep. Doing this actually makes their sleep worse. The alcohol causes them to wake up during the night.

There are many ways to treat insomnia that are common and effective. You should talk to your primary care doctor to discuss these options. You may also want to visit a sleep center to get more expert advice. You should see a sleep specialist if your insomnia causes you to nod off during the day. There are a number of products sold for the treatment of insomnia. They can be bought off the shelf at a drug store without a prescription. Some of the items do have ingredients that can help improve insomnia.

Source :">



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