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Relation of Gambler, Properties, Insurance and US$

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dede said...

mas, masih terus belajar,..habis ga ada idea apa gitu, tapi harus posting. ya apa aja lah yang penting ada article masuk hehehe

Kristina Dian Safitry said...

kalo soal free..ini nih jagonya. sip...

Riema Ziezie said...

wah posting ttg apa lg nih mas ...hehehe hbsnya ga ngerti artinya

Anonymous said...

wah adsense nih..
kayaknya pengen nih buat tambahan2.. :D

Anonymous said...

makasih yah gratisannya kang seno....aku ambil dulu buat baca-baca dan untuk meningkatkan earning aku

Anonymous said...

free??? maju duluan kaya'nya neeh,...

Anonymous said...

hi hi hii,... kesannya maruk ya...!!

Cebong Ipiet said...

kasino? temennya dono ama indro

ndak mudeng saya mas

genial said...

inglissssss ???

genial said...

ada 500x saya nyoba pasang adsense kang :(( tp satu pun gk di approve :((:((:((

Anonymous said...

wah ada yang lagi bagi bagi buku nih......boleh yah aku dunlut...kang

genial said...

sedang di laksanakan kang... smoga ajahh [-o< amien...

Anonymous said...

I,ve never tried yet.. maybe sometimes ekekek....

Anonymous said...

mas...zie udah ada yg klik 11 tp kok lom dptin $ ... hiks hiks jd bingung eui ternyt susah jg ya adsense..please help me

gdedollars said...

wah..lam kenak mas..and all..
thanks yach..udah sharing ke kita-kita

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