Yesterday was a very confused day. The Education Information System in office was error. Some faculties (IT Faculty and Economic Faculty) call me, informed me the error. I was confuse, there isn't error before. My program made with Oracle Developer 9i.
In the education information system, there is a form that displaying Budi Luhur University lecture schedule. Yesterday the schedule of was not displayed. Then I opened the schedule of other faculty (Social and Political Sciences Faculty), it was no problem, the program run well.
I opened the program, and I tried to find the wrong. I read the code carefully, line by line, word by word. But, I didn't find the error code.
After about 30 minutes I could not find the error, I remember that wrong data can caused error. Uh..ha...!!!. I was sure that there was an error data in database. I opened TOAD (Toad is an oracle database editor), and I wrote a query to select data. Great....! It was an error data. Then I deleted the wrong data and re-insert the rihgt data, after that a run the program and.... Excellent...! The program run well.
That accident remembering me that computer has characteristic GIGO, 'Garbage In Garbage Out'. So, don't input the wrong data. It will make error your program.
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Jan 25
Wrong data caused error
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